Welcome to my freelance portfolio. I'm a self-described grammar geek and word nerd. While all those "Most Satisfying" videos of bubble wrap and kinetic sand might float your boat, to me, there is nothing better than well written content. Ahhhh, just listen to the sound of those ellipses...

Anyway, I'm passionate about communication. Marketing and writing should be deliberate and begin with a purpose. Other than riding the world of erroneous hyphens that should be em dashes, my purpose in life is to write content that sparks energy and brings clarity.

Welcome to my freelance portfolio. I'm a self-described grammar geek and word nerd. While all those "Most Satisfying" videos of bubble wrap and kinetic sand might float your boat, to me, there is nothing better than well written content. Ahhhh, just listen to the sound of those ellipses...

Anyway, I'm passionate about communication. Marketing and writing should be deliberate and begin with a purpose. Other than riding the world of erroneous hyphens that should be em dashes, my purpose in life is to write content that sparks energy and brings clarity.

For last year's words belong to last year's language
And next year's words await another voice.

T. S. Eliot

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